4 out of 10 cancer cases could be preventable, study suggests

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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People could modify their cancer risk by making certain lifestyle changes, new research suggests. Image credit: Henrik Weis/Getty Images.
  • Previous research has shown that several modifiable risk factors can increase a person’s cancer risk.
  • A new study from the American Cancer Society found that four in 10 cancer diagnoses and almost half of all cancer deaths of adults over the age of 30 in the United States could be attributed to modifiable risk factors.
  • Scientists report that cigarette smoking was the main risk factor responsible for almost 20% of all cancer cases and 30% of all cancer deaths.

Previous research has shown that there are several modifiable risk factors — such as smoking, alcohol use, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle — that can increase a person’s cancer risk.

Now, a new study from the American Cancer Society — published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians — reports that four in 10 cancer diagnoses and almost half of all cancer deaths of adults 30 years old and older in the United States could be accredited to these types of reversible risk factors.

For this study, researchers used 2019 information from various nationally representative data on cancer incidence and mortality, as well as risk factor prevalence.

Risk factors that the scientists examined included:

  • both current and former cigarette-smoking
  • secondhand smoke exposure
  • excess body weight
  • physical inactivity
  • alcohol use
  • consumption of red and processed meat
  • low consumption of fruits and vegetables, dietary fiber, and dietary calcium
  • ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure
  • infection with different viruses, including the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the hepatitis C virus.

“Information on the proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors is useful for setting more pertinent priorities for cancer prevention and control initiatives,” Farhad Islami, MD, PhD, senior scientific director, cancer disparity research at the American Cancer Society, and lead author of this study told Medical News Today.

“Additionally, it can increase the awareness of the public about risk factors of cancer, which might result in a reduction in exposure to these risk factors, such as smoking cessation, maintaining healthy body weight and diet, HPV vaccination, and so on,” he noted.

After cigarette smoking, the four other leading modifiable risk factors for all cancer cases were:

  1. excess body weight
  2. alcohol consumption
  3. UV radiation exposure
  4. physical inactivity.

“A large number of cancer cases and deaths in the United States are attributable to these potentially modifiable risk factors, indicating the potential to substantially reduce the cancer burden through broad and equitable implementation of preventive initiatives,” Islami said. “Several measures have been recommended to reduce exposure to these risk factors.”

He detailed:

“For UV radiation, these measures include limiting excessive sun exposure — e.g., avoiding direct sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., seeking shade — [as well as] wearing protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses, and regular application of broad‐spectrum UVA and UVB-blocking sunscreens. Some of [these] measures, such as providing sufficient shading in parks, children’s playgrounds, and other places, will require multicomponent interventions at the community level.”

“We also need more implementation research for broad application of known interventions, especially for excess body weight, unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity, and to identify tailored and mutually reinforcing interventions, as they are more likely to mitigate these risk factors, especially in historically marginalized populations, which are usually disproportionately affected by these factors,” Islami added.

Islami and his team also looked at the impact of modifiable risk factors on 30 specific cancers.

During the study, researchers found that more than 50% of cases of 19 of the 30 types of cancer evaluated could be attributed to potentially modifiable risk factors.

Some of the highest cancers caused by these possibly reversible risk factors included 100% of cervical cancer and Kaposi sarcoma, 94.2% of anal cancer, 92.2% of over 80% of skin melanomas, and 88.2% of lung cancer.

“For some risk factors, the exposure is generally more common or intense in some organs, for example, tobacco smoke in [the] lung, and this may play a role in a stronger association between smoking and lung cancer,” Islami explained.

He also emphasized the role that certain viruses, such as HPV — which people can prevent through vaccination and cervical screening — play in cancer risk.

“Some risk factors may be associated with a greater risk in certain cells or tissues; for example, human papillomavirus is more likely to cause cancer in squamous cells — although it can cause cancer in glandular cells, too. The biological reasons for these differences need further research,” he further noted.

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