Bladder cancer: Combo therapy with statins may help stop tumor growth

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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A new study explores using statins and other medications to treat bladder cancer. Caíque de Abreu/Getty Images
  • A new study has identified a protein that helps drive bladder cancer by triggering the synthesis of cholesterol via mouse and cell models.
  • Researchers found that a combination therapy of two drugs disrupts this pathway, helping to suppress the creation of cancer cells and tumor growth.
  • This combo of medications includes a statin already used for lowering cholesterol and treating cardiovascular disease in humans.

In 2022, more than 600,000 people around the world were diagnosed with bladder cancer, and more than 220,000 people globally died from the disease.

“In 2024, bladder cancer was the fourth most common cancer diagnosed in men in the U.S., and the eighth most common cause of death, yet bladder cancer is almost never mentioned as one of the major cancers, and it is severely understudied,” Tony Hunter, PhD, American Cancer Society Professor, Renato Dulbecco Chair at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California told Medical News Today.

“While there are new treatments for bladder cancer, including immune checkpoint therapy, they are not totally effective, and chemotherapy, radiation, and BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) remain the most commonly used treatments,” Hunter continued. “Clearly, there is an unmet need for new therapeutic approaches for bladder cancer.”

Hunter is the senior author of a new study recently published in the journal Cancer Discovery that has identified a protein they believe helps drive bladder cancer by triggering the synthesis of cholesterol via both mouse and bladder cancer cell models.

Researchers also found that a combination therapy of two drugs — including a statin already used for lowering cholesterol in humans — disrupts this pathway, suppressing the creation of cancer cells and tumor growth.

“PIN1 is an enzyme that is able to alter the local structure of a protein either increasing or decreasing its activity, but only if a phosphate has been attached to that protein in a particular place first, which is then recognized by PIN1,” Hunter explained. “PIN1 is present in all organisms whose cells have nuclei, from yeast to humans, and its high degree of conservation during evolution indicates it has an important function.”

PIN1 and cancer

“In human cells, PIN1 is known to act on many target proteins, tweaking their structures once the phosphate signal has been added by a kinase enzyme. PIN1 is present at high levels in many cancers, such as breast cancer, and has been found to activate proteins in multiple intracellular pathways that drive cancer or inactivate proteins in pathways that normally block excessive growth.”
— Tony Hunter, PhD

“In bladder cancer, our work shows that PIN1 is important for bladder cancer cells to proliferate and grow, and to prevent the tumor cells from committing suicide by a process known as apoptosis,” Hunter added. “PIN1 is also needed for the tumor cells to migrate and invade the surrounding tissue to form a tumor.”

MNT had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer Linehan, MD, a board certified urologist and associate professor of urology and urologic oncology at Providence Saint John’s Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, CA, about this study, which she said she found interesting and hopeful.

“There is so much about why cancer grows, how cancer forms, that we clearly don’t understand. There [are] definitely actors at play that are dictating the growth, dictating the invasiveness, that we don’t understand. And so I think this is just one of (the tips) of the iceberg,” Linehan told MNT.

Linehan said it is important for researchers to continue to find new ways of treating bladder cancer due to the large surgery required to treat invasive cancer, and it is one of the more expensive cancers to treat because it tends to be so recurrent.

The challenge of treating bladder cancer

“Ultimately, especially with invasive bladder cancer, the treatment is removing the bladder which is an incredibly big surgery — it is life changing, it is physiologically changing for your body. If it’s not invasive and it’s recurrent and it keeps coming back, that’s a lot of toll on the patient themselves, as well as it’s also very costly. The patient keeps having to come back for checks, keeps having to have different treatments to keep the cancer at bay.”
— Jennifer Linehan, MD

“Anything that could be curative or stunt (tumor) growth, or we can manipulate (tumor) growth, is very interesting because a lot of the treatments that we have now are to kill what you have,” Linehan continued.

“Some of it is enhancing the body’s own immune system, like immunotherapy … There’s nothing really out there that we’re using that’s going to stop the growth, and so I think that that’s why this is so interesting because that kind of mechanism of treatment is one, not commonly discovered, and two, not commonly pursued,” she added.

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