Can drinking beetroot juice daily help prevent heart disease?

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Drinking beetroot juice on a daily basis could help keep heart disease at bay after menopause. Image credit: jayk7/Getty Images.
  • Daily beetroot juice may promote cardiovascular health in women at the postmenausal stage, a new study claims.
  • The juice may be a good source of critical nitrate that keeps blood vessels functioning well.
  • The study found, however, that when participants stopped drinking beetroot juice, the beneficial effects waned within 24 hours.

During and after menopause, the body produces less estrogen, often leading to poorer blood vessel function and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.

A new randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover clinical trial from The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) suggests that consuming beetroot juice daily may improve blood flow through blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart problems.

Beets — and beetroot juice — are high in nitrates. The study observed improved blood vessel performance in participants who drank beet root juice daily.

The findings appear in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition.

The researchers recruited an initial 54 women at the postmenopausal stage from the local community, but the final analysis included only 24 women: 12 in early postmenopause and 12 in late postmenopause.

The participants had a resting blood pressure of less than 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 to 35 kilograms per square meter (kg/m2), fasting low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol below 160 milligrams per deciliter (mm/dL), a hemoglobin A1C below 6%, and normal fasting blood sugar.

They were all nonsmokers, and were not taking any cardiovascular medications or hormones at the time of the study.

Under otherwise strict dietary guidance, the participants consumed two 2.3-ounce bottles of concentrated beetroot juice at the start of the study, followed by one bottle daily for one week. Each bottle delivered the same level of nitrates as three large beets.

A few weeks later, individuals received beetroot juice from which the nitrate had been removed, serving as a placebo.

The study authors performed imaging via Doppler ultrasound to assess the effect of the beetroot juice on participants’ brachial artery blood flow — the brachial artery is on the inside of one’s upper arm — before and after consumption, and the same was done with the placebo.

The authors concluded that blood flow was improved while the participants were consuming their daily nitrate-rich beetroot juice, but the effect faded within 24 hours of drinking their last bottle.

Additionally, neither the nitrate-rich beetroot juice nor placebo prevented the decline in blood flow after ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury in either group.

Jayne Morgan, MD, cardiologist and the Executive Director of Health and Community Education at the Piedmont Healthcare Corporation in Atlanta, GA, who was not involved in the study, spoke to Medical News Today about its findings.

Morgan explained that in menopause, “[a]s estrogen levels decrease, there is loss of the cardioprotective effects of estrogen on the heart.”

“The reduction of estrogen production during the menopausal transition accelerates development of heart disease risk factors, such as increased LDL cholesterol, vascular stiffening, and high blood pressure,” said the study’s senior author, Jocelyn M. Delgado Spicuzza, PhD, of Pennsylvania State University’s College of Nursing.

This cluster of risk factors renders the vasculature vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases — atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, etc. — and therefore increases heart disease risk following menopause, Delgado Spicuzza explained.

Compounding these effects, noted Morgan, is the fact that estrogen serves as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, helping reduce the development of plaques that can lead to heart attacks.

In addition, “vasomotor symptoms are increasingly being recognized as not the innocuous and prerequisite silent suffering of women, but rather decreased sleep is a risk factor for heart disease,” Morgan said.

“The intensity and duration of hot flashes (aka hot flushes) also seem to bear a strong correlation,” she added. “Black women tend to suffer greater vasomotor symptoms as well.”

“Although the premise of this study makes sense, the study by itself would not make me start recommending beets to postmenopausal women,” said Chen.

“It would be important to see larger trials that look at clinical outcomes, whether these women have fewer cardiovascular events in the future if they continue a high-nitrate diet,” he noted.

For now, Chen’s recommendations remain unchanged, meaning “a heart-Healthy diet that involves plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low salt, avoiding saturated fats, avoiding highly processed foods, and avoiding lots of sugar.”

Morgan said she is also unlikely to alter what she tells patients based on this study. “But it is something to consider from an allopathic and dietary purview,“ she nevertheless noted. “We are what we eat, and food is increasingly being recognized as medicine.”

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