Cannabis not effective for treating opioid use disorder, study finds

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Experts say cannabis may not be an effective treatment for opioid use disorder. Juno/Stocksy
  • In some states in the United States, opioid use disorder is a qualifying condition for the use of medical marijuana.
  • However, a new study concludes that there is no evidence that cannabis reduces opioid misuse.
  • Experts add that there has never been enough evidence to support the use of cannabis as a treatment option for opioid use disorder.

A new study spanning two decades is reporting there is no evidence to support the claim that cannabis reduces opioid misuse.

The research published in the American Journal of Psychiatry determined cannabis may not be an effective long term strategy for reducing harm to people experiencing opioid use disorder or for people who use opioids problematically.

“There are claims that cannabis may help decrease opioid use or help people with opioid use disorders keep up with treatment. But it’s crucial to note those studies examine short-term impact and focus on treatment of chronic pain and pain management, rather than levels of opioid use in other contexts,” Dr Jack Wilson, the lead author of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow at The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney in Australia, said in a statement.

“Our investigation shows that cannabis use remains common among this population, but it may not be an effective long-term strategy for reducing opioid use,” he added.

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