Eating more navy beans may help with colorectal cancer prevention

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
A woman out of frame puts a scoop of rice on a plate full of navy beans and saladShare on Pinterest
Research shows that eating more navy or haricot beans could help colorectal cancer survivors. Daniel Zapata/Getty Images
  • While colorectal cancer is highly treatable at its earliest stage, most cases are found when it is more advanced.
  • Between 7% and 29% of people who receive treatment for colorectal cancer experience recurrence within five years.
  • Certain lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, can help prevent colorectal cancer.
  • Researchers recently found that adding navy beans, also known as haricot beans, to the diet of colorectal cancer survivors helped improve their gut microbiome, which could aid in both cancer prevention and treatment.

Colorectal cancer — which affects the large intestine, including the colon and the rectum — is the third most common cancer in the world.

Colorectal cancer is highly treatable — and in some cases even curable — when caught early enough.

However, colorectal cancer does not always show symptoms at an early stage. Only about three to four out of 10 (35.5%) of colorectal cancers are diagnosed at its earliest stage, where the disease is localized.

If treatment is successful for colorectal cancer, recent research shows that despite improvements in treatment between 7% and 29% of people may have a recurrence of the condition within five years of treatment, depending on site and stage.

Although it is not possible to fully prevent colorectal cancer, past studies show regular physical activity, keeping a healthy weight, and making certain nutrition choices can help.

Now, researchers from The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center has found that adding navy beans, also known as haricot beans, to the diet of colorectal cancer survivors helps improve their gut microbiome, which could potentially aid in both cancer prevention and treatment.

For this study, Dr. Daniel-MacDougall and her team randomized 55 male and female study participants over the age of 30 who had a history of bowel lesions, had a history of colorectal cancer, and/or were at high risk for precancerous polyps, 48 (87% completed the study).

For eight weeks, participants were asked to either follow just their normal diet or add a daily cup of organic, canned, pressure-cooked white navy beans to their diet.

The health benefits of navy beans

“Navy beans are rich in dietary fiber and an excellent source of plant-based protein. They specifically contain multiple prebiotic or microbiota-stimulating nutrients, including oligosaccharides and the amino acid lysine. Navy beans also contain other anti-inflammatory micronutrients and antioxidants, such as the flavonoid apigenin.”
— Dr. Daniel-MacDougall

Researchers discovered that participants who consumed navy beans each day experienced positive changes to their gut microbiome. These changes included an increase of alpha diversity, or beneficial bacteria — Faecalibacterium, Eubacterium, and Bifidobacterium — and a decrease in pathogenic, or opportunistic, bacteria.

“While some doctors may be comfortable having conversations with their patients about living a healthier lifestyle, exercising, and eating more fruits and vegetables and less red and processed meat, beans are often less likely to come up in conversation and may be a harder sell in a population with a history of bowel lesions or bowel issues,” Dr. Daniel-MacDougall said.

“Through the results of this trial and other supportive evidence, I hope beans will regularly come up in these conversations and that more doctors and patients will consider the value of whole foods to achieve a broader impact on health,” she added.

MNT also spoke with Dr. Anton Bilchik, surgical oncologist, chief of medicine, and director of the Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Program at Saint John’s Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, CA, about this study.

Dr. Bilchik said he felt this study was extremely important and relevant since a person has between 2 to 3 trillion bacteria within their body, and there is substantial evidence that those bacteria play an important role in preventing both cancer and cardiovascular disease.

“We also have good bacteria and potentially bad bacteria. And so if we can stimulate the good bacteria to impact the immune system to prevent cancer or cancer recurrence through diet, that would be extremely important,” he stressed.

Dr. Bilchik also said it is essential for physicians to talk to their colorectal cancer patients about gut health, given the enormous amount of new information regarding the bacteria and how diet can influence the bacteria.

Processed foods and colon cancer

“For example, it’s well known that there’s a high incidence of colorectal cancer in patients that ingest processed food, red meat, (and) charred meat. And the fact that there are healthier foods that can stimulate bacteria to prevent cancer or to prevent cancer recurrence is extremely important because the other foods, such as processed food, may be stimulating the bad bacteria to increase the risk of colorectal cancer and cancer current.”
— Dr. Anton Bilchik

“So diet and nutrition should be an extremely important part of the discussion, both in the prevention of colorectal cancer, but also in those patients that have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer that are undergoing treatment to prevent the chance of it coming back,” Dr. Bilchik added.

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