FDA alerts consumers not to use two e-liquids sold by HelloCig Electronic Technology
[12/11/2018] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers, particularly males, not to...
FDA alerts health care professionals and patients not to use drug products intended to be sterile from Promise Pharmacy
Compounded drugs were produced under poor sterile production practices in an inadequately designed processing...
FDA alerts health care professionals and patients not to use sterile drug products from Pharm D Solutions
[11/19/2018] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting Health care professionals and patients...
FDA alerts consumers of Kadesh Incorporation’s voluntary nationwide recall of Puriton Eye Relief Drops due to non-sterile production conditions
[11/8/2018] The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers about a voluntary recall of all lots...
FDA alerts patients and health care professionals that some EpiPen auto-injectors may not readily slide out of carrier tube
[11/2/2018] FDA is alerting patients, caregivers and Health care professionals that the labels attached...
FDA alerts consumers of Sprayology’s voluntary nationwide recall of homeopathic water-based medicines due to microbial contamination
[10/11/2018] The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers about a voluntary recall of all lots...
FDA alerts consumers of BioLyte Laboratories voluntary recall of NeoRelief
[9/14/2018] The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers and Health care professionals about...
FDA alerts consumers not to use products distributed by Years to Your Health
[9/14/2018] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers not to use any products made...
FDA alerts consumers of Beaumont Bio Med’s voluntary recall of all water- and alcohol-based products
[9/7/2018] The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers and Health care professionals to a...
FDA alerts consumers of HelloLife’s voluntary recall of Neuroveen, Respitrol, Thyroveev and Compulsin
[8/31/2018] The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers and Health care professionals to a...
FDA alerts drug makers of a recall of porcine thyroid API from Sichuan Friendly Pharmaceutical Co., Limited, China
FDA testing confirms inconsistent potency in the active ingredient Update [9/5/2018] FDA is alerting...
FDA announces Ranier’s Rx Laboratory’s voluntary recall of all sterile compounded drug
Update [7/31/2018] FDA is alerting Health care professionals and patients, as well as veterinarians and...
FDA advises consumers not to use Blissful Remedies kratom products due to bacterial contamination
[7/5/2018] The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to use Blissful Remedies...
FDA advises health care professionals not to use MedGyn Products’ Monsel’s Solution
[6/29/2018] FDA advises health care professionals not to use MedGyn Products’ Monsel’s...
FDA alerts health care professionals, patients, and the drug supply chain not to use stolen fertility drugs, Gonal-f RFF Redi-ject and Gonal-f Multi-Dose
[5/30/2018] FDA is alerting health care professionals, patients, and the drug supply chain of stolen...
FDA alerts health care professionals to voluntary nationwide recall of all sterile products from Coastal Meds
[04/13/2018] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting health care professionals to a voluntary...
FDA alerts consumers of a nationwide voluntary recall of topical drug products made by Industria Farmacéutica Andrómaco due to contamination
FDA lab confirmed high levels of microbial contamination in company’s Pasta De Lassar Andromaco diaper...
FDA alerts consumers of Bayer’s voluntary recall of Alka-Seltzer Plus products due to labeling errors
[3/16/18] FDA is alerting consumers of a voluntary recall of Bayer’s Alka-Seltzer Plus products due...
FDA notifies health care professionals that Becton-Dickinson replaced problematic rubber stoppers in its syringes
UPDATE [1/12/2018] Becton-Dickinson (BD) informed FDA that it is no longer using the rubber stopper material...
FDA updates on 2017 Burkholderia cepacia contamination
FDA lab findings again link Rugby Diocto oral liquid docusate sodium to B. cepacia infections Update...
FDA alerts health care professionals and patients not to use alcohol pads or benzalkonium chloride antiseptic towelettes manufactured by Foshan Flying Medical Products
[9/01/2017] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting health care professionals and patients...