Is being overly optimistic linked to lower cognitive skills?

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Certain personality traits such as excessive optimism may be linked to lower cognition, a new study suggests. Ingrid Bertens/Stocksy
  • Optimism, specifically in financial matters, may be the result of low cognitive ability, according to a new paper.
  • The study is based on data from over 36,000 people in the U.K.
  • The study finds intelligent people do better in money matters because they are realistic rather than optimistic when making plans.

Positive thinking and optimism are often associated with success in life. However, a new study from the University of Bath in the U.K. suggests that they are signifiers of low cognition, since they frequently lead to poor decision-making, specifically in the realm of finance.

The study finds that people with the highest cognitive ability are 22% more likely to be realistic (pessimistic) in financial planning, with a 34.8% reduction in optimism compared to people of low cognitive ability.

The study suggests that optimism bias leads people to anticipate more positive outcomes than they should reasonably expect in business planning, investing, and other fiscal activities. The result is loss of funds, debt, and business failures.

Optimism may be little more than a side effect of low cognitive power, according to the study.

Using data from the nationally representative annual U.K. longitudinal survey Understanding Society, the authors of the study analyzed data from 36,312 individuals. Participants responded on multiple occasions to questions regarding a wide range of topics, including labor market activity, household dynamics, as well as their personality, attitudes, and opinions.

The cognitive ability of respondents was based on measurements of various cognitive skills, including verbal fluency, memory, numerical reasoning, and fluid reasoning.

The study is published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

While optimism may not provide a clear view of one’s fiscal prospects in a given situation, it may be that it can still be of value.

Psychologist Dr. Andrew Cuthbert cited a passage in the study, saying “psychological well-being and self-esteem, improvements in our ability to cope with negative feedback, and the ability to savor in our future successes are all immediate benefits of unrealistic optimism.”

He cautioned, however, “The word ‘immediate’ is key. In a difficult moment, being optimistic can keep you moving, whereas excessive pessimism might keep you paralyzed and unable to make the initial steps needed to improve.”

Los Santos linked optimism with hope for a better future and “to be able to see beyond the current situation.”

Dr. Dawson was not so sure, saying, “It is not obvious, at least to me, that optimism is useful for coping with life’s emotional challenges.”

“The famous bias ‘Loss Aversion‘ — the tendency to feel more pain when experiencing losses than pleasure from equal gains — suggests that optimism makes it even harder to cope with negative outcomes. That is, people who expect too much are inevitably disappointed, and this disappointment can be very psychologically painful.”

Still, said Dr. Dawson, “Positive thinking may have some benefits. It is often argued that it provides motivation, can have social benefits and can make people feel good about themselves.”

He emphasized, however, “when it comes to decision-making, especially big decisions regarding investments and careers, having realistic expectations will always deliver better decision-making and therefore better outcomes for individuals.”

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