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Coumadin (Warfarin (oral) [ war-far-in ]) support group
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy/mechanical heart valve?
Can I take vit. b12 with coumadin ?
Coumadin - Is it damageous to have blood to thin.? INR was 6.5 what should I do?
Can I eat grapefruit while taking coumadin?
After dvt and given coumadin can u go right back to work if not how long are u off?
Coumadin - My INR was way out of range today when I did my weekly test - haven't done anything?
I'm on Coumadin with a fever. What shall take for the fever?
Does coumadin cause muscle and or joint pain or stiffness?
I was told I would have to stay on coumadin for the rest of my this true?
What can happen with high INR levels (9+) on Coumadin ?
Is it true that coumadin should be taken at 4pm or 5pm as opposed to morning or night?
Is your blood really thinner with warfarin?
Why are Warfarin tablets color-coded?
Why does warfarin cause purple toe syndrome?
Is warfarin used as rat poison?
Does cranberry juice help prevent a UTI?
Can high coumadin levels or high PT/INR cause confusion, slurred speech and eventual passing out?
Coumadin - has anyone had problems with teeth breaking and cracking while taking coumadin?
Does taking coumadin REALLY make you feel cold? With no change in body temp?
What is the antidote for warfarin?