Brain health: Mediterranean diet protects white matter integrity

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Research in a Latino/Hispanic cohort shows how a Mediterranean diet improves brain health. Irina Ozhigova/Stocksy
  • The Mediterranean diet is widely known for its heart health benefits, but new research suggests its impact on brain health extends beyond cardiovascular advantages.
  • Adhering closely to this diet appeared to improve brain health, particularly by preserving white matter integrity, among Hispanic/Latino adults.
  • While further studies are needed, these brain-boosting effects may partly stem from reduced inflammation, thanks to the diet’s rich antioxidants and healthy fats.

A preliminary study suggests that closely following a Mediterranean diet may enhance brain health among Hispanic/Latino adults.

The study’s abstract will be presented in February at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2025 in Los Angeles, CA.

The Mediterranean diet prioritizes wholesome, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, and moderate amounts of dairy, eggs, fish, and poultry.

Researchers propose that this diet may support brain health beyond its ability to help manage traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, smoking, or lack of physical activity.

Specifically, a Mediterranean diet may directly enhance the integrity of the brain’s white matter—which supports efficient communication between brain regions.

While more research is needed, the findings suggest the diet might help protect cognitive function, partly independent of cardiovascular health.

More closely following a Mediterranean diet was associated with:

  • lower white matter hyperintensity volume, indicating less damage to the white matter in the brain
  • increased fractional anisotropy, indicating well-organized and healthy white matter connections.

These positive effects were only partially explained by improved cardiovascular health markers, indicating that the diet may directly benefit brain health through other mechanisms.

“We have observed that cardiovascular health directly impacts brain structures; the effect of the Mediterranean diet on communication between regions of the brain remains somewhat independent of cardiovascular health,” the lead author of the study Gabriela Trifan, MD, assistant professor of neurology at the University of Illinois in Chicago, said in a press release.

“Even when considering age and cardiovascular Health in people who ate a Mediterranean diet, the brain demonstrated improved organization of the fibers connecting different brain regions and enhanced communication, known as white matter integrity.”

– Gabriela Trifan, MD

When examining the individual components of the Mediterranean diet, researchers found that consuming more than the median intake of whole grains and fish was specifically associated with improved white matter integrity.

While these preliminary results are promising, as an observational study, it cannot establish cause-and-effect. The reliance on self-reported data also introduces the possibility of recall bias.

Additionally, the findings have not yet undergone peer-reviewed publication.

Despite limitations, the authors suggest this research highlights the potential for a culturally tailored Mediterranean diet to protect brain health in Hispanic/Latino adults.

While the Mediterranean diet is well-known for its cardiovascular benefits, this study suggests its positive effects on the brain go beyond vascular health.

Medical News Today spoke with Thomas M. Holland, MD, MS, a physician-scientist and assistant professor at the RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging, RUSH University, College of Health Sciences, not involved in the study, to discuss the possible mechanisms behind this connection.

Holland highlighted that, in this study, “only a small portion of the relationship (8-9%) was mediated by the cardiovascular health metrics like blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.”

He said this implies the Mediterranean diet may also support brain health through other pathways, including reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

In support of this theory, previous research suggests that the foods we eat, particularly sources of antioxidants and dietary fats, can directly impact brain health. These nutrients can cross the blood-brain barrier and affect neural membranes.

They may also indirectly impact brain health by influencing gut bacteria balance, intestinal permeability, body fat levels, and inflammatory pathways.

Specifically, diets high in antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids, like the Mediterranean diet, are associated with improvements in these areas, leading to reduced brain inflammation and improved cognitive function.

By contrast, diets low in antioxidants but high in saturated fats, trans fats, and omega-6 fatty acids, like the typical Western diet, may promote inflammation, potentially harming the central nervous system. This can increase the risk of white matter damage and neurodegenerative conditions.

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