Can dietary fiber from crustaceans and mushrooms promote weight loss?

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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  • Eating foods rich in dietary fiber is part of a healthy diet.
  • One lesser-known rich source of dietary fiber called chitin can be found in the exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects, as well as in mushrooms and other fungi.
  • Via a mouse model, researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found evidence that consuming chitin can help enhance digestion, lower body fat, and promote weight loss.

Eating foods rich in fiber forms part of a healthy diet. This is because fiber helps the body in various ways, including improving digestion, maintaining a healthy weight, and helping solid waste move through the body more easily.

Past studies also show that dietary fiber can help lower cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar levels, and lower the risk of colorectal cancer.

While most people may be aware that dietary fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, there are some lesser-known great sources of fiber, such as the exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects, as well as mushrooms and other fungi.

This form of fiber is known as Health">chitin, and researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found evidence, via a mouse model, that consuming chitin can help enhance digestion, lower body fat, and promote weight loss.

This study was recently published in the journal Science.

MNT also spoke with Monique Richard, a registered dietitian nutritionist, owner of Nutrition-In-Sight, and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, about this study. Richard was not involved in this research.

Richard said her initial reaction to the study was to recognize that it is based on animal models, not humans.

“This type of research is limited and does not always translate to the same results in humans,” Richard told us. “For example, the mice studied had a sterile intestinal tract free from bacteria.“

“Such an environment does not exist in humans. There are many factors that come into play to break down what is ingested in our gastrointestinal tract, from the pancreas secreting digestive enzymes, to bacteria that we both produce or that naturally populate and inhabit our gastrointestinal tract,” she explained.

Yet Richard also suggested it is important for human health to take advantage of all the foods rich in insoluble fiber and many other beneficial nutrients:

“Eating a variety of fiber-rich foods that contain both soluble — turns into gel with liquid — and insoluble fiber such as beans, whole grains like oatmeal, fruits with their pulp and/or skins, most vegetables especially mushrooms, celery, cauliflower, green beans, and leafy greens will be beneficial for sustaining energy, supporting weight management, as well as decreasing insulin resistance, cholesterol levels, and heart disease risk factors.”

Richard said that consuming a minimum of 25-35 grams a day of fiber is beneficial to overall Health.

“An example of a fiber-rich food serving would be a half-cup of pinto beans which provides approximately 7-8 grams of fiber,” she continued.

“In addition, meeting with a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is encouraged to assess if supplements might be beneficial or other factors related to nutritional needs can be addressed regarding a well-balanced, varied diet tailored to that individual’s needs,” said Richard.

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