Drug Detail:Docusate and senna (Docusate and senna [ dok-yoo-sate-and-sen-a ])
Drug Class: Laxatives
Drug Detail:Docusate and senna (Docusate and senna [ dok-yoo-sate-and-sen-a ])
Drug Class: Laxatives
2 to 4 tablets orally daily in divided doses or as a single daily dose preferably in the evening
2 to 6 years: up to 1 tablet daily
6 to 12 years: 1 to 2 tablets daily
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Docusate-senna should generally not be used for the treatment of chronic constipation or a period greater than one week, unless otherwise directed by a physician. Rectal bleeding or failure to have a bowel movement after senna use may indicate a serious underlying gastrointestinal condition, and warrants discontinuation of therapy and evaluation.
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