Drug Detail:Photofrin (Porfimer [ por-fi-mer ])
Generic Name: PORFIMER SODIUM 75mg in 31.8mL
Dosage Form: injection, powder, for solution
Drug Class: Malignancy photosensitizers
Drug Detail:Photofrin (Porfimer [ por-fi-mer ])
Generic Name: PORFIMER SODIUM 75mg in 31.8mL
Dosage Form: injection, powder, for solution
Drug Class: Malignancy photosensitizers
2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION PHOTOFRIN (2.1)• PHOTOFRIN administration: 2 mg/kg intravenousPhotoactivation (2.2)Esophageal Cancer• Laser light dose of 300 J/cm of fiber optic diffuser length 40–50 hours following injection with PHOTOFRIN; repeated, if needed, 96-120 hours after initial injectionEndobronchial Cancer• Laser light dose of 200 J/cm of fiber optic diffuser length 40–50 hours following injection with PHOTOFRIN; repeated, if needed, after gentle debridement of residual tumor 96-120 hours after initial injectionHigh-Grade Dysplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus• Laser light dose of 130 J/cm of fiber optic diffuser length 40–50 hours following injection with PHOTOFRIN; repeated, if needed, with a light dose of 50 J/cm of fiber optic diffuser length 96-120 hours after initial injection