Latest Drugs, Latest Approval in Dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents

What are Dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents?

Dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents aim to replace dopamine or prevent the degradation of dopamine. Antiparkinson drugs that aim to replace dopamine in the central nervous system, either release dopamine or mimic the action of dopamine. Drugs that replace dopamine are generally given with peripherally acting dopa carboxylase inhibitors, to prevent the metabolism of levodopa to dopamine peripherally. Dopamine receptor agonists bind to dopamine receptors and mimic the action of dopamine. Selective monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) inhibitors bind to the enzyme MAO-B and prevent dopamine from being broken down. Antiparkinson agents are used to treat Parkinson's disease, which is a degenerative disorder of movement that occurs due to dopamine deficiency in the brain, particularly in the basal ganglia.

Name Updated
Kynmobi ( apomorphine hydrochloride) 05-Sep-2023
Entacapone (Entacapone [ en-tak-a-pone ]) 16-Aug-2023
Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 16-Aug-2023
Carbidopa and levodopa enteral (Carbidopa and levodopa enteral (duopa) [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 16-Aug-2023
Carbidopa (Carbidopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa ]) 16-Aug-2023
Bromocriptine (Bromocriptine (parlodel) [ broe-moe-krip-teen ]) 15-Aug-2023
Rotigotine (transdermal) (Rotigotine (transdermal) [ roe-tig-oh-teen ]) 14-Aug-2023
Tolcapone (Tolcapone [ tole-ka-pone ]) 12-Aug-2023
Selegiline (transdermal) (Selegiline (transdermal) [ se-le-ji-leen ]) 12-Aug-2023
Selegiline (Selegiline (oral) [ se-le-ji-leen ]) 12-Aug-2023
Rasagiline (Rasagiline [ ras-aj-il-een ]) 12-Aug-2023
Ropinirole (Ropinirole (oral) [ roe-pin-i-role ]) 12-Aug-2023
Pramipexole (Pramipexole [ pram-i-pex-ole ]) 11-Aug-2023
Safinamide (Safinamide [ sa-fin-a-mide ]) 11-Aug-2023
Opicapone (Opicapone [ oh-pik-a-pone ]) 11-Aug-2023
Levodopa inhalation (Levodopa inhalation [ lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 11-Aug-2023
Apomorphine (Apomorphine) 11-Aug-2023
Neupro skin patches (Rotigotine (transdermal) [ roe-tig-oh-teen ]) 09-Aug-2023
Sinemet cr (Carbidopa and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 05-Aug-2023
Zelapar (Selegiline (oral) [ se-le-ji-leen ]) 14-Jul-2023
Tasmar (Tolcapone [ tole-ka-pone ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 75 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 50 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 200 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 150 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 125 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Stalevo 100 (Carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa, en-tak-a-pone, lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 14-Jul-2023
Requip xl (Ropinirole (oral) [ roe-pin-i-role ]) 14-Jul-2023
Parlodel (Bromocriptine (parlodel) [ broe-moe-krip-teen ]) 13-Jul-2023
Osmolex er (Amantadine [ a-man-ta-deen ]) 13-Jul-2023
Mirapex er (Pramipexole [ pram-i-pex-ole ]) 13-Jul-2023
Mirapex (Pramipexole [ pram-i-pex-ole ]) 13-Jul-2023
Lodosyn (Carbidopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa ]) 13-Jul-2023
Emsam (Selegiline (transdermal) [ se-le-ji-leen ]) 13-Jul-2023
Eldepryl (Selegiline (oral) [ se-le-ji-leen ]) 13-Jul-2023
Cycloset (Bromocriptine [ broe-moe-krip-teen ]) 13-Jul-2023
Comtan (Entacapone [ en-tak-a-pone ]) 13-Jul-2023
Xadago (Safinamide [ sa-fin-a-mide ]) 12-Jul-2023
Sinemet (Carbidopa and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 12-Jul-2023
Rytary (Carbidopa and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 11-Jul-2023
Requip (Ropinirole (oral) [ roe-pin-i-role ]) 11-Jul-2023
Ongentys (Opicapone [ oh-pik-a-pone ]) 11-Jul-2023
Neupro skin patches (Rotigotine (transdermal) [ roe-tig-oh-teen ]) 11-Jul-2023
Kynmobi ( apomorphine hydrochloride) 11-Jul-2023
Inbrija (Levodopa inhalation capsules [ lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 10-Jul-2023
Gocovri (Amantadine [ a-man-ta-deen ]) 10-Jul-2023
Duopa (Carbidopa and levodopa enteral [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 10-Jul-2023
Carbidopa and levodopa (Carbidopa and levodopa [ kar-bi-doe-pa-and-lee-voe-doe-pa ]) 10-Jul-2023
Azilect (Rasagiline [ ras-aj-il-een ]) 10-Jul-2023
Apokyn (Apomorphine injection [ a-poe-mor-feen ]) 10-Jul-2023