Eating oranges every day may help lower depression risk

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Oranges may help keep depression at bay, according to the findings of a recent study. Image credit: Kayla Johnson/Stocksy.
  • An estimated 280 million people around the world live with depressive disorder.
  • Past studies show that certain lifestyle changes can help lower a person’s risk of developing depressive disorder, including certain foods such as olive oil and nuts.
  • A new study has identified oranges as another food that may help decrease depression risk.

An estimated 280 million people around the world live with clinical depression — a mental health condition that impacts a person’s mood and sense of self.

There are a number of risk factors for depression, including family history, hormonal changes, other chronic diseases, and constant stress.

Past studies show that certain lifestyle changes can help lower a person’s risk of developing depression. These include physical activity, proper sleep, stress management, and eating a Healthy diet.

In regards to diet, previous research even shows that eating healthy foods may help lower a person’s risk for depression.

Now a study recently published in the journal Microbiome has identified oranges as another food that may help decrease depression risk.

Medical News Today had the opportunity to speak with Gary Small, MD, chair of psychiatry at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey and author of more than a dozen books on behavioral health, about this study.

“Recent research has shown intriguing links between the gut microbiome, brain health, and mood,” Small, who was not involved in this researcs, told us.

“Consumption of citrus fruits can stimulate growth in the human gut of certain types of bacteria that influence production of brain neurotransmitters that can elevate mood. This study offers a possible explanation for how eating oranges might lower future risk for depression and certainly supports the old adage: ‘You are what you eat’.”

– Gary Small, MD

“Clinical depression that disrupts a person’s functioning afflicts an estimated 15% of people at some point in their life,” he continued. “Psychotherapy, antidepressant medications, and other treatments are effective but costly and not accessible to everyone.“

“Prevention strategies that work can have an important impact on public Health since untreated or inadequately treated depression increases a person’s risk of death, not just from suicide but from medical comorbidities,” explained Small.

“People who are more likely to consume fresh fruits are also more likely to exercise regularly and engage in other healthy lifestyle habits that will lower depression risk,” he added. “A randomized, controlled clinical trial would be needed to confirm a causal relationship between citrus consumption and depression risk.”

MNT also spoke with Rudolph Bedford, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA about this research.

“We certainly know that the microbiome does regulate many aspects of the body, from the immune system to the brain, so it wasn’t surprising whatsoever that they would find particular absence of various bacteria or excessive bacteria that might regulate brain function and depression and other psycho-neurologic issues,” Bedford, who was not involved in the study, commented.

He explained why it is important for researchers to continue to find new ways of preventing depression, especially something natural, such as through a person’s diet.

“Obviously it prevents us from having to use various medications in order to treat or prevent these things such as depression, and I’m sure that there are also keys to dealing with anxiety and other psychological behaviors,” Bedford said. “It’s just important that we are not having to utilize medications for treatment.”

For the next steps in this research, Bedford said he would like to see a larger patient population with much more refinement in terms of bacterial species and the genetic makeup of the individuals that seem to respond to this type of natural therapy or intervention.

“So there’s a lot more to be done,” he added. “Unfortunately, everything having to do with the microbiome, we’re just really scratching the surface, and there’s just so much left to be done in that regard.”

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