Hi, I have bipolar and suffer with horrendous anxiety attacks... My psychiatrist recently prescribed Lamictal for my Bipolar but said it has helped many people with anxiety. One reason being that the neurotransmitters that trigger the anxiety can be treated similarly to the ones that trigger epileptic fits... (Lamictal being an anti epileptic)
The other reason she says the Lamictal can help is by improving general mood which can relieve anxiety as well... Similar to some anti-Depressants...
My question is this : Has anybody had success against anxiety with Lamictal? I don't mean with numerous benzo's as well... ( However I do take Diazepam for my anxiety but my dosage is increasing as my attacks seem to overpower the effectiveness of the Diazepam) If Lamictal has helped with really bad anxiety attacks or reduced their severity or helped reduced your Benzo intake, I'd love to hear some positive feedback...