What's the difference between POT CHLOR ER TABS 10 MEQ and KLOR-CON 10 E.R. TABS 10 MEQ? Posted on 13-Jul-2023 - Last updated: 13-Jul-2023 My doctor just changed my Rx from the first one to the second one. Share this Article Featured questions What is the difference between Potassium Gluconate - 595 mg. vs. Klor-Con 20 mEq? Is there a difference between Klor-Con 10MEQ & Potassium CL Micro 10MEQ ER? If my Klor Con tablet is undissolved in the stool, how do I know that i've absorbed the medicine? What is the difference between Klor-con 10MEQ tablets and Klor-con M10 ER tablets? Can you eat bananas when taking losartan? How does Klor-Con M20 Tab compare to Micro-K 10 meq CR Cap? Klor-Con - why can you NOT lay down foe 30 minutes after taking the medication? Are Potassium CL 20 MEQ ER tablets and Klor Con M20 tablets the same? Can these drugs be used in Thalassemia patients? How does Lupron (leuprolide) work for prostate cancer? What is the consideration to use nifidepine over amlodipine? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy/mechanical heart valve? Related Drugs Fidanacogene Elaparvovec Cerave Anti-Itch (Hydrocortisone topical) Centrum Adult (Multivitamins and minerals) Crovalimab Cyltezo Prefilled Syringe (Adalimumab) Zepbound Pen (Tirzepatide) Mylanta One (Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and simethicone) Uretron Ds (Hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, sodium biphosphate) Medihoney Wound And Burn Dressing (Topical emollients) Lidotrode Libervant (Diazepam (buccal)) Moderna Covid-19 (Covid-19 (6m-11y) vaccine, moderna (2024-2025)) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec)