How can we slow down diabetes-related brain aging?
Type 2 diabetes can affect multiple organ systems in the body—the heart, eyes, kidneys, and even the...
Alzheimer's: Subtle slowing of brain activity may help predict risk
Share on PinterestScientists have spotted changes in brain activity that may point to Alzheimer’s....
Microplastics found in the brain: Should we be concerned?
Share on PinterestScientists have found microplastics in many parts of the human body, including the...
How does the brain change during pregnancy?
Share on PinterestNew research shows exactly what happens to the brain during pregnancy. The question...
Alzheimer's: Boosting brain protein may slow cognitive decline
Share on PinterestNew research looks into the role of amyloid-beta in developing Alzheimer’s. Westend61/Getty...
Dementia risk: No amount of alcohol is safe for brain health
Share on PinterestAny amount of alcohol raises dementia risk, a new study suggests. Image credit: Olga...
Type 2 diabetes: Study offer new clues on dementia risk, brain health
Share on PinterestRecent research findings offer new insights into the link between type 2 diabetes and...
Diabetes: Can a healthy lifestyle counteract accelerated brain aging?
Share on PinterestScientists have linked prediabetes and diabetes to brain aging. Christian Charisius/picture...
Sleep and memory: How does sleep maintain key brain cells?
Share on PinterestResearch offers new clues about the ways in which sleep aids daily memory function....
'Night owl' vs 'morning lark': Which has better brain function?
Share on PinterestDoes a person’s chronotype correlate with their brain sharpness? Image credit: Lumina/Stocksy.A...
Keto diets and aging: How might keto diets protect the aging brain?
Share on PinterestKeto diets may help preserve brain health later in life, but why is that? New research...
Alzheimer’s: Early memory problems linked to higher tau in brain
Share on PinterestNew research found that cognitively healthy people who self-reported memory problems...
Mediterranean diet: Key nutrients may help slow brain aging
Share on PinterestA recent study shows that certain nutrients found in the Mediterranean diet like vitamin...
How does exercise help maintain brain health and boost longevity?
Exercise greatly benefits brain health, improving cognition, mood and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative...
Eating when we're full may be connected to some unique brain circuits
Share on PinterestDesign by MNT: Photography by Bettmann/Getty Images & Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty ImagesResearchers...
Sleep does not help brain 'clear out toxins,' study suggests
Share on PinterestA new mouse study shows that more toxins and metabolites are cleared from the brain...
How exactly does exercise give the brain an instant boost?
Share on PinterestExercise gives the brain a boost, and may help protect against cognitive decline, but...
Stroke: How the aging brain may impact recovery
Share on PinterestAn observational study examines how age-related changes to white matter in the brain...