Heart health: Drinking ketones may help improve function
Share on PinterestScientists have investigated the heart health benefits of ketone supplements. Ángela...
How to improve brain health: 12 questions to ask your doctor
Share on PinterestTo improve brain health, doctors recommend a multipronged approach that covers areas...
Type 2 diabetes: Low carb diet may help improve 'bad' cholesterol
Share on PinterestNew research links a low carb, high protein diet to reduced cholesterol levels in those...
PCOS: Weight loss may help improve menstrual frequency, other symptoms
Share on PinterestScientists have found a link between weight loss interventions and PCOS symptoms. monkeybusinessimages/Getty...
Cervical cancer: Combined therapy may help improve survival rates
Share on PinterestA new phase 3 trial finds that combining therapies may improve putcomes in cervical...
Breast cancer: Aerobic exercise may improve 'chemo brain'
Share on PinterestScientists are testing aerobic exercise’s effects on people who have received chemotherapy....
Weight loss: Scientists find combo of 14 genes that improve results
Share on PinterestScientists have found genetic links to enhanced weight loss. The Laundry Room/StocksyWhile...
Obesity: Eating Brazil nuts daily may improve inflammation, gut health
Share on PinterestScientists have found that Brazil nuts may have an anti-inflammatory effect on gut...
Menopause: Can hormone therapy improve heart and metabolic health?
Share on PinterestHow does hormone therapy affect heart and metabolic health? Image credit: Santi Nuñez/Stocksy.Research...
Perimenopause: Sleeping more may increase estrogen, improve symptoms
Share on PinterestResearch is examining the link between sleep and perimenopause symptoms. Melanie DeFazio/StocksyCisgender...
Depression: How music therapy, enjoyment helps improve symptoms
Share on PinterestScientists have found why classical music may aid the treatment of depression. Terry...
Heart failure: Weight loss drug Zepbound may improve physical function
Share on PinterestScientists have discovered that the weight loss drug Zepbound may have benefits for...
Type 2 diabetes: Preventive lifestyle changes can improve outcomes
Share on PinterestDelaying the development of type 2 diabetes can significantly lower cardiovascular...
Parkinson's disease: Can acupuncture improve sleep?
Share on PinterestAcupuncture could help improve sleep in people receiving treatment for Parkinson’s...
Can revised Alzheimer's diagnostic criteria help improve care?
Share on PinterestNewly revised diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s may help improve disease prognosis....
Long COVID: Will a new 'consensus definition' help improve care?
Share on PinterestCan a new umbrella-definition of long COVID help healthcare providers diagnose the...
Alzheimer's: Pomegranate compound may improve memory, symptoms
Share on PinterestA natural compound found in pomegranates could help alleviate Alzheimer’s symptoms,...
Alzheimer's: 4 lifestyle changes may help improve or prevent decline
Share on PinterestLifestyle changes could help prevent the decline of cognitive function in people with...