Weight loss: Fasting may improve gut microbiome in some people

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
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Fasting may have a significant impact on gut bacteria, a new study shows. Design by MNT; Photography by d3sign/Getty Images & Emmanuel Faure/Getty Images
  • Evidence is building that a healthy, diverse gut microbiome can benefit health.
  • Studies have shown that people and animals with obesity often have a less diverse microbiome than those of a healthy weight.
  • Now, research from China suggests that intermittent energy restriction (IER) — which involves eating normally on some days and eating a very restricted diet, or fasting, on others — not only helps people lose weight but may also alter their microbiome.
  • This small, observational study shows only an association between weight loss and microbiome changes, rather than any causative effects.

Recently, research has found increasing evidence of the potential effects of the human microbiome on our health.

The microbiome consists of bacteria, archaea, viruses and eukaryotic microbes that live in and on our bodies. A healthy adult will house around 1000 different species of bacteria, the majority of which are in the gut.

In most people, the core microbiota remain stable throughout adulthood, but the gut microbiota differs between different people. It is affected by body mass index (BMI) level, exercise frequency, lifestyle, cultural and dietary habits, and antibiotic use.

Health">Studies in people with obesity have found that they tend to have a less diverse gut microbiome, and the balance of species is different from that of leaner people. Other studies have suggested that the ease with which people lose weight on diets is linked to the composition of their gut microbiome. However, Health">research has not yet revealed a consistent association between gut microbiota and obesity.

A meta-analysis of studies found that weight loss was associated with an increase in microbiome diversity and a reduction in intestinal permeability.

Now, a small study from China has suggested that intermittent energy restriction (IER), as well as helping people with obesity to lose weight, may alter their gut microbiota.

The study is published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.

In a press release, co-author Dr. Xiaoning Wang from the Institute of Geriatrics of the PLA General Hospital stated:

“The gut microbiome is thought to communicate with the brain in a complex, two-directional way. The microbiome produces neurotransmitters and neurotoxins, which access the brain through nerves and the blood circulation. In return, the brain controls eating behavior, while nutrients from our diet change the composition of the gut microbiome.”

As an observational study, this research cannot show a causal relationship between IER, weight loss, and the gut microbiome, but it does provide more evidence of a link. The researchers suggest that long-term dietary intervention should be used to maintain weight loss and further clarify the relationship between the gut microbiome and the brain, and Costa agreed.

“Future research should aim to address the exact process through which the gut microbiome interacts with the brain in obese individuals, specifically during weight loss, including the identification of crucial gut microbiome components and brain regions that contribute to successful weight loss and maintenance of a healthy weight,” she told MNT.

She also gave general advice about how to look after your microbiome:

“The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem, and its relationship with obesity is not fully understood. It’s thought that balance and diversity of gut bacteria may be more important than the presence or absence of specific species.”

How to improve the gut microbiome

“A plant-rich diet and an active, Healthy lifestyle can help promote an optimal gut environment and Healthy microbiome.”
— Kelsey Costa

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