Cold plunges: Their real impact on sleep, stress levels, and health

Evan Walker
Evan Walker TheMediTary.Com |
A person swims in a body of water surrounded by ice to emulate a cold plunge.Share on Pinterest
Cold plunges may have benefits in the short term but people may overestimate the results, a review has found. Duet Postscriptum/Stocksy
  • Research is ongoing about the potential health benefits of cold-water immersion, which involves taking cold showers or ice baths.
  • One systematic review and meta-analysis found that cold-water immersion may help decrease sick day absences, improve sleep and quality of life, and reduce stress.
  • More research is needed to examine the long-term benefits of cold-water immersion.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in PLOS Oneexamined eleven studies to evaluate whether cold-water immersion, also called cold plunges or cold water therapy, was actually beneficial to health. The researchers specifically looked at its effects on cognitive, psychological, and physiological health.

According to the findings, people who use cold-water immersion may experience stress reduction for a limited time after exposure, have a decrease in sickness absences, and experience improvements in quality of life and sleep.

The review authors encourage future research to look at the cold-water immersion’s long-term effects, include large and diverse samples, explore diverse outcomes, and examine dose-response relationships.

Cold-water immersion includes a broad range of actions that allow for exposure to cold water. Authors of the current review note that it has become more popular in recent years among athletes and the general population.

Dylan Colbert, PhD, a Performance Psychologist & Lecturer at Carlow College, who was not involved in the study, told Medical News Today that despite there being a lack of consensus on what conditions are necessary for optimal cold immersion, there are three main factors.

“Firstly, the ideal water temperature appears to be between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. While many practitioners use water considerably colder, the additional physiological and/or psychological benefits of this have yet to be demonstrated empirically. Secondly, it is advisable to submerge only up to neck level, as dunking one’s head has been associated with some adverse health consequences, and may even undermine some of the positive effects of CWI. Finally, while short sessions are of benefit, research has indicated an optimal CWI duration of approximately 12 minutes for experienced practitioners,” Colbert explained.

For this review and analysis, the authors defined cold-water immersion as showering, ice baths, or immersion in cold water that was 15 degrees Celsius or less for 30 seconds or more.

They only included studies with cold water immersion to chest level or higher and excluded studies where participants wore protective clothing. Ten of the studies involved bath cold-water immersion, and one involved cold showers.

However, study author Tara Cain, the Project Manager for Dialling Up Health, Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health & Human Performance, University of South Australia, explained why this could still mean positive effects in the long-term.

“The body perceives cold as a stressor, activating an immune response that temporarily increases inflammation, much like how exercise causes short-term muscle damage before leading to strength gains. Over time, regular use of cold-water immersion may help reduce overall inflammation and support recovery, which is why it remains popular among athletes despite the initial inflammatory response.”
— Tara Cain, study author

Regarding other outcomes, researchers found that cold-water immersion helped reduce stress 12 hours after exposure but not immediately after, one hour after, 24 hours after, or two days after.

They did not find significant immunity changes immediately or one hour after cold water exposure. However, the certainty of evidence was fairly low.

Narrative syntheses revealed potential additional benefits of cold-water immersion. For example, one trial found that cold-water immersion reduced sickness absence by 29%. However, there wasn’t a significant difference between the number of illness days reported by the control and intervention groups.

This same trial also found an increase in quality of life for participants who engaged in cold-water immersion, but the change was no longer significant three months later.

Another trial found that cold-water immersion may improve sleep quality, but the intervention only lasted five days. Additionally, researchers did not find that cold-water immersion affected mood.

This review does have certain limitations. First, it focused on the effects of cold-water immersion in Healthy adults. Thus, the results may not be applicable to people with certain Health conditions or children.

Additionally, only one study included women, which limits how much of the findings can be applied to women. Many studies also had small sample sizes, which also limits generalizability.

Second, there was a lot of variation in the protocols that the trials used for cold water immersion, and this most likely added to the result heterogeneity.

Six of the eleven studies only looked at the impact of single immersions, which doesn’t allow for conclusions regarding the long-term impact of cold-water immersion. Five of the trials involved cold-water immersion after exercise, which introduces confounding risk.

Some outcomes were only reported by a single study, so the authors encourage caution regarding these results.

Each of the included trials had limitations. For example, researchers acknowledge a risk for confounding in the trial that assessed sleep quality. Similarly, the study evaluating the effects on sickness and quality of life relied on self-reporting, which introduces bias risk. This study also had struggles regarding cold-water immersion adherence over time.

The authors also point out that the effects of cold-water immersion seemed to be greatly dependent on time, so additional research regarding this factor may also be helpful. The authors note that future studies can also evaluate the safety of cold-water immersion and the participants’ experiences.

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