Note: This document contains side effect information about brimonidine / timolol ophthalmic. Some dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Combigan.
Applies to brimonidine/timolol ophthalmic: ophthalmic solution.
Serious side effects of Combigan
Along with its needed effects, brimonidine/timolol ophthalmic may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.
Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking brimonidine / timolol ophthalmic:
More common
- Burning, dry, or itching eyes
- discharge or excessive tearing
- redness, pain, swelling of the eye, eyelid, or inner lining of the eyelid
- stinging in the eyes
- tiny bumps on lining of the eyelid
Less common
- Blurred or loss of vision
- disturbed color perception
- dizziness
- double vision
- feeling of having something in the eye
- halos around lights
- headache
- nervousness
- night blindness
- pounding in the ears
- sensitivity of the eyes to light
- slow, fast, or irregular heartbeat
- tunnel vision
- watery eyes
Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur while taking brimonidine / timolol ophthalmic:
Symptoms of overdose
- Chest pain or discomfort
- cough
- difficulty breathing
- lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting
- no blood pressure or pulse
- noisy breathing
- stopping of heart
- tightness in the chest
- unconsciousness
Other side effects of Combigan
Some side effects of brimonidine / timolol ophthalmic may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects.
Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:
Less common
- Dry mouth
- feeling sad or empty
- irritability
- lack of appetite
- lack or loss of strength
- loss of interest or pleasure
- sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
- trouble concentrating
- trouble sleeping
For Healthcare Professionals
Applies to brimonidine / timolol ophthalmic: ophthalmic solution.
Very common (10% or more): Conjunctival hyperemia, burning sensation
Common (1% to 10%): Stinging sensation in the eye, allergic conjunctivitis, corneal erosion, superficial punctuate keratitis, eye pruritus, conjunctival folliculosis, visual disturbance, blepharitis, epiphora, eye dryness, eye discharge, eye pain, eye irritation, foreign body sensation, eyelid edema, eyelid pruritus, eyelid erythema
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Worsened visual acuity, conjunctival edema, conjunctivitis, vitreous floater, asthenopia, photophobia, papillary hypertrophy, eyelid pain, conjunctival blanching, corneal edema, corneal infiltrates, vitreous detachment, allergic contact dermatitis
Postmarketing reports: Blurred vision, keratoconjunctivitis sicca
-Frequency not reported: Iritis, iridocyclitis (anterior uveitis), miosis, cataract, conjunctival blanching, hordeolum, lid crusting, lid disorder
-Rare (less than 0.1%): Corneal calcification (with the use of phosphate containing eye drops in some patients with significantly damaged corneas)
-Frequency not reported: Keratitis, choroidal detachment following filtration surgery, decreased corneal sensitivity, corneal erosion, ptosis, diplopia, cystoid macular edema, pseudopemphigoid, refractive changes, blepharoptosis[Ref]
Common (1% to 10%): Hypertension
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Congestive heart failure, palpitations
Postmarketing reports: Arrhythmia, bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension, pallor
-Frequency not reported: Vasodilation
-Frequency not reported: Chest pain, atrioventricular block, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, Raynaud's phenomenon, cold hands and feet, claudication, worsening of angina pectoris[Ref]
Common (1% to 10%): Oral dryness
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Nausea, diarrhea
-Frequency not reported: Gastrointestinal symptoms
-Frequency not reported: Dyspepsia, abdominal pain, vomiting[Ref]
-Frequency not reported: Systemic allergic reactions, systemic lupus erythematosus, flu syndrome
-Frequency not reported: Systemic allergic reactions including angioedema, urticaria, localized and generalized rash, pruritus, anaphylactic reaction[Ref]
Nervous system
Common (1% to 10%): Somnolence, headache
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Dizziness, syncope, taste perversion
Postmarketing reports: Coma, lethargy
-Frequency not reported: Cerebrovascular accident, cerebral ischemia, increases in signs and symptoms of myasthenia gravis, paresthesia, disorientation, memory loss, tinnitus[Ref]
Common (1% to 10%): Depression
-Frequency not reported: Insomnia
-Frequency not reported: Insomnia, nightmare, behavioral changes and psychic disturbances including confusion, hallucination[Ref]
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Rhinitis, nasal dryness
Postmarketing reports: Respiratory depression
-Frequency not reported: Upper respiratory symptoms, dyspnea, apnea
-Frequency not reported: Bronchospasm (predominantly in patients with pre-existing bronchospastic disease), dyspnea, cough, upper respiratory infection, nasal congestion[Ref]
-Frequency not reported: Sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, Peyronie's disease, retroperitoneal fibrosis[Ref]
The commonly reported side effects were allergic conjunctivitis, conjunctival folliculosis, conjunctival hyperemia, eye pruritus, ocular burning, and stinging.[Ref]
Postmarketing reports: Hypotonia
-Frequency not reported: Myalgia[Ref]
Common (1% to 10%): Asthenic conditions
Postmarketing reports: Facial erythema
-Frequency not reported: Edema, fatigue[Ref]
-Frequency not reported: Skin reaction including erythema, pruritus, rash
-Frequency not reported: Alopecia, psoriasiform rash or exacerbation of psoriasis, rash[Ref]
Common (1% to 10%): Abnormal Liver Function Tests[Ref]
-Frequency not reported: Masked symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetes patients, hypercholesterolemia
-Frequency not reported: Hypoglycemia[Ref]