Drug Detail:Pentetate (Pentetate calcium trisodium (systemic))
Drug Class: Antidotes
Usual Adult Dose for Radiation Emergency
Initial dose: 1 gram, intravenously
Maintenance dose (if pentetate zinc disodium is unavailable): 1 gram, intravenously
Maximum dose: 1 dose per 24 hour period
- Administer during the first 24 hours after internal contamination; it is more effective than pentetate zinc disodium during this period.
- If additional chelation is indicated, pentetate zinc disodium is the preferred agent.
- May use for additional chelation if pentetate zinc disodium is not available; administer concomitant mineral supplements containing zinc.
Use: Treatment of known or suspected internal contamination with plutonium, americium, or curium to increase the rates of elimination.
Usual Pediatric Dose for Radiation Emergency
12 years and older:
Initial dose: 1 gram, intravenously
Maintenance dose (if pentetate zinc disodium is unavailable): 1 gram, intravenously
Maximum dose: 1 dose per 24 hour period
Under 12 years:
Initial dose: 14 mg/kg (not to exceed 1 gram), intravenously
Maintenance dose (if pentetate zinc disodium is unavailable): 14 mg/kg (not to exceed 1 gram), intravenously
Maximum dose: 1 dose per 24 hour period
- Administer during the first 24 hours after internal contamination; it is more effective than pentetate zinc disodium during this period.
- If additional chelation is indicated, pentetate zinc disodium is the preferred agent.
- May use for additional chelation if pentetate zinc disodium is not available; administer concomitant mineral supplements containing zinc.
Use: Treatment of known or suspected internal contamination with plutonium, americium, or curium to increase the rates of elimination.
Renal Dose Adjustments
No adjustment recommended.
- Renal impairment may reduce the rate at which radiocontaminants are removed.
- Dialysis may be used to increase the rate of elimination in heavily contaminated patients.
- High efficiency flux dialysis is recommended.
- Dialysis fluid will become radioactive; use radiation precautions to protect others.
Liver Dose Adjustments
Data not available
- Nebulized pentetate calcium trisodium may be associated with asthma exacerbation.
- This drug is associated with depletion of trace metals such as zinc.
- The magnitude of trace metal depletion increases with split daily dosing, increasing dose, and increased treatment duration.
- Only one dose of pentetate calcium trisodium is recommended.
- Use pentetate zinc if additional chelation therapy is indicated.
- Monitor serum zinc, serum creatinine, BUN, electrolytes, urinalysis, and blood cell counts during therapy.
- Provide detailed treatment information (to gather long-term response and malignancy data).
- A form is attached to the prescribing information.
- Forms can be found at: www.ca-dtpa.com
- Include radioactive body burden, bioassay results, measurement methods, and adverse events.
Questions on use of this product, and on treatment of internal radiation may be referred to the manufacturer at [email protected]
Consult WARNINGS section for additional precautions.
No adjustment recommended
- Dialysis may be used to increase the rate of elimination in heavily contaminated patients.
- High efficiency flux dialysis is recommended.
- Dialysis fluid will become radioactive; use radiation precautions to protect others.
Other Comments
Administration advice:
- Administer IV if route of internal contamination is unknown or multiple routes are likely.
- May give slow push over 3 to 4 minutes, or infusion.
- Patients with ONLY inhalation contamination within 24 hours: may nebulize at a 1:1 ratio with sterile water or saline. After nebulization, patients should avoid swallowing any expectorant.
- Pediatrics: safety and efficacy of nebulized treatment has not been established.
Reconstitution/preparation techniques:
- Dilute with 5% dextrose in water (D5W), lactated Ringers solution, or normal saline.
- Slow push: 1 gram in 5 mL
- Infusion: 1 gram in 100 to 250 mL
- If contamination is with something other than plutonium, americium, or curium, or contaminants are unknown, additional therapies may be needed (e.g. Prussian blue, potassium iodide).
- The manufacturer product information should be consulted.
Patient advice:
- Drink plenty of fluids and void frequently (to dilute and minimize bladder exposure).
- Use a toilet rather than a urinal; flush several times after each use.
- Wash hands thoroughly after cleaning up spilled urine or feces.
- Wash clothing or linens separately if they get blood or urine on them.
- Dispose of expectorant carefully; avoid swallowing it.