Does Paxlovid interact with Advil? Posted on 22-Jul-2023 - Last updated: 22-Jul-2023 Can I take Advil while I'm on Paxlovid? What about Tylenol? Share this Article Featured questions How effective is Paxlovid for COVID-19? Alcohol consumption and Paxlovid? Tamsulosin, Paxlovid taking them together? Paxlovid side effects: 8 key things to know Can I drink alcohol after my last dose of Paxlovid? Paxlovid side-effects blood pressure? How long does Paxlovid stay in your system after you take your last dose on day 5? Paxlovid - Does this drug cause sweating profusely? How fast does Paxlovid work? Can you take Paxlovid twice if COVID rebounds? Paxlovid - Does it create a change in taste? Can you stop Paxlovid after 5 doses? The side effects are terrible. Related Drugs Fidanacogene Elaparvovec Cerave Anti-Itch (Hydrocortisone topical) Centrum Adult (Multivitamins and minerals) Crovalimab Cyltezo Prefilled Syringe (Adalimumab) Zepbound Pen (Tirzepatide) Mylanta One (Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and simethicone) Uretron Ds (Hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, sodium biphosphate) Medihoney Wound And Burn Dressing (Topical emollients) Lidotrode Libervant (Diazepam (buccal)) Moderna Covid-19 (Covid-19 (6m-11y) vaccine, moderna (2024-2025)) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec)