Since being prescribed Adderall XR, I've noticed an enormous increase in my tobacco use. I'm not sure if the urge is related to taking the adderall, or if it is psychological, which I suppose would be related after all. I've used chewing tobacco on and off since I was eighteen and also used to smoke. These days I don't smoke and even the smell makes me nauseous, but I have been using quite a bit more chewing tobacco. My use has gone up so much that there have been a few times I reached the point of mild nicotine poisoning (self diagnosed via online symptom checkers). Still this hasn't stopped me. I'm just curious if anyone has had the same experience or have I just reached a higher tolerance bracket. Again, I don't think it would be the latter because this has been occuring only since going on the adderall. Any help or similar stories would be great.
Has anyone else taking adderall or XR, and uses tobacco had increased nicotine cravings/use?
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