What affect when taking amoxicillin and dexamethasone? Posted on 14-Jul-2023 - Last updated: 14-Jul-2023 amoxicillin trihydrate and dexamethasone Share this Article Featured questions Is there any side effect to mix dexamethasone with diclofenac in same syringe? What is possible interactions of mixing of dexamethasone and ceftriaxone ampoules in one syringe? Can I use expired neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates, dexamethasone ophthalmic? Dexamethasone weight gain? Why must you taper off the steroid Decadron/Dexamethasone rather than simply stop taking it? Getting off Dexamethasone, Or as I like to call it, (Deathamethasone)? Prednisolone equivalent of Dexamethasone? Is it okay to take amoxicillin, dexamethasone, and ibuprofen together? How seriously should I take these side effects from Dexamethasone? Will dexamethasone cause a person to urinate frequently? Dexamethasone and weight gain? Does the weight gain and moon face with dexamethasone go away easily once stopped the medication?- Related Drugs Fidanacogene Elaparvovec Cerave Anti-Itch (Hydrocortisone topical) Centrum Adult (Multivitamins and minerals) Crovalimab Cyltezo Prefilled Syringe (Adalimumab) Zepbound Pen (Tirzepatide) Mylanta One (Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and simethicone) Uretron Ds (Hyoscyamine, methenamine, methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, sodium biphosphate) Medihoney Wound And Burn Dressing (Topical emollients) Lidotrode Libervant (Diazepam (buccal)) Moderna Covid-19 (Covid-19 (6m-11y) vaccine, moderna (2024-2025)) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec) Beqvez (Fidanacogene elaparvovec)