There were 2 egg protein-free flu vaccines available for the 2022-2023 flu season: Flublok Quadrivalent, for people 18 years and older and Flucelvax Quadrivalent for people 6 months and older. The vaccine do not contain egg protein. Lists of vaccine availability for the 2023-2024 season should come out in late August 2023.
- Flublok Quadrivalent, from Sanofi Pasteur, is a recombinant vaccine and does not contain any egg proteins. It can be used in people 18 years and older.
- Flucelvax Quadrivalent, from Seqirus, is a standard dose, cell culture-based vaccine and can be used in people 6 months and older.
The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) states that if you have a history of egg allergy of any severity, you can still receive ANY age-appropriate flu vaccine.
- In the 2023-2024 flu season, the ACIP lowered safety recommendations around flu vaccines in people with egg allergy.
- The ACIP now states that people with egg-allergy may receive any flu vaccine (egg-based or non-egg based) that is otherwise appropriate for their age and health status.
- No special safety precautions are needed beyond those recommended for receipt of any vaccine.
If you are allergic to eggs you can still be protected, even though many flu shots and the nasal spray flu vaccine (FluMist) are made using egg-based technology.
Other vaccines than these two listed above may contain trace amounts of egg proteins. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have additional questions about an egg allergy and the flu vaccine.
A previous severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) to any influenza vaccine, regardless of the component suspected of being responsible for the reaction, means you not be able to receive that vaccine in the future.