New Drugs, Latest FDA Approval Drugs

Name Drug Class Updated
Isovue-370 Non-ionic iodinated contrast media 13-Jul-2023
Isovue-300 Non-ionic iodinated contrast media 13-Jul-2023
Isovue-250 Non-ionic iodinated contrast media 13-Jul-2023
Isovue-200 Non-ionic iodinated contrast media 13-Jul-2023
Isopto tears Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 13-Jul-2023
Isopto homatropine Mydriatics 13-Jul-2023
Isopto carpine Ophthalmic glaucoma agents 13-Jul-2023
Isopto carbachol Ophthalmic glaucoma agents 13-Jul-2023
Isopto atropine Mydriatics 13-Jul-2023
Isibloom Contraceptives 13-Jul-2023
Isentress hd Drugs 13-Jul-2023
Isentress Integrase strand transfer inhibitor 13-Jul-2023
Iron chews Iron products 13-Jul-2023
Iressa EGFR inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Irenka Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Iprivask Thrombin inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Ipol Viral vaccines 13-Jul-2023
Ipm wound (topical) Miscellaneous topical agents 13-Jul-2023
Iplex Insulin-like growth factors 13-Jul-2023
Iosat Antithyroid agents 13-Jul-2023
Iopidine Ophthalmic glaucoma agents 13-Jul-2023
Iophen-c nr Upper respiratory combinations 13-Jul-2023
Ionsys Opioids (narcotic analgesics) 13-Jul-2023
Ionil t Miscellaneous topical agents 13-Jul-2023
Iodex Antiseptic and germicides 13-Jul-2023
Invokamet xr Antidiabetic combinations 13-Jul-2023
Invokamet Antidiabetic combinations 13-Jul-2023
Invirase Protease inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Inveltys (ophthalmic) Ophthalmic steroids 13-Jul-2023
Invega trinza Atypical antipsychotics 13-Jul-2023
Invega hafyera (injection) Atypical antipsychotics 13-Jul-2023
Invega hafyera Atypical antipsychotics 13-Jul-2023
Invanz Carbapenems 13-Jul-2023
Introvale (extended-cycle) Contraceptives 13-Jul-2023
Intron a Antineoplastic interferons 13-Jul-2023
Intrarosa Drugs 13-Jul-2023
Intermezzo Miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics 13-Jul-2023
Intelence NNRTIs 13-Jul-2023
Integrilin Glycoprotein platelet inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Instacort Topical steroids 13-Jul-2023
Insta-glucose Glucose elevating agents 13-Jul-2023
Insta-char Antidotes 13-Jul-2023
Inspra Aldosterone receptor antagonists 13-Jul-2023
Inrebic Multikinase inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Inqovi Antineoplastic combinations 13-Jul-2023
Inpefa Miscellaneous cardiovascular agents 13-Jul-2023
Inova 8/2 (topical) Topical acne agents 13-Jul-2023
Inova 4/1 (topical) Topical acne agents 13-Jul-2023
Inomax (inhalation gas) Miscellaneous respiratory agents 13-Jul-2023
Innerclean Laxatives 13-Jul-2023
Infumorph (injection) Opioids (narcotic analgesics) 13-Jul-2023
Infugem Antimetabolites 13-Jul-2023
Infed Iron products 13-Jul-2023
Infasurf Lung surfactants 13-Jul-2023
Indocin sr Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 13-Jul-2023
Increlex Insulin-like growth factors 13-Jul-2023
Incivek Protease inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Improvue Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 13-Jul-2023
Implanon Contraceptives 13-Jul-2023
Impeklo Topical steroids 13-Jul-2023
Impavido Anthelmintics 13-Jul-2023
Imovax rabies (human diploid cell) Viral vaccines 13-Jul-2023
Imogam rabies-ht (human) Immune globulins 13-Jul-2023
Imodium a-d ez chews Antidiarrheals 13-Jul-2023
Imodium a-d new formula Antidiarrheals 13-Jul-2023
Imlygic Miscellaneous antineoplastics 13-Jul-2023
Imjudo Anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies 13-Jul-2023
Imitrex statdose (injection) Antimigraine agents 13-Jul-2023
Imitrex (injection) Antimigraine agents 13-Jul-2023
Imcivree Melanocortin receptor agonists 13-Jul-2023
Iluvien Ophthalmic steroids 13-Jul-2023
Ilevro Drugs 13-Jul-2023
Ilaris Interleukin inhibitors 13-Jul-2023
Idelvion Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers 13-Jul-2023
Idamycin pfs Antibiotics / antineoplastics 13-Jul-2023
Icy hot with capsaicin Miscellaneous topical agents 13-Jul-2023
Icy hot extra strength Topical rubefacient 13-Jul-2023
Icar-c Vitamin and mineral combinations 13-Jul-2023
Icar Iron products 13-Jul-2023
Ibuprofen pm Analgesic combinations 13-Jul-2023