List of Drugs that start with 'B' Browse more Drugs start with A Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz Most Common 'B' Drugs Name Drug Class Updated Beqvez Drugs 24-Sep-2024 Beqvez Drugs 24-Sep-2024 Beqvez Drugs 24-Sep-2024 Beqvez Drugs 24-Sep-2024 Birch Triterpenes Topical Drugs 23-Aug-2024 Biorphen Drugs 19-Jun-2024 Blistex Lip Protectant Drugs 27-Apr-2024 Bimzelx Prefilled Syringe Drugs 27-Feb-2024 Bimzelx Autoinjector Drugs 27-Feb-2024 Bimekizumab Drugs 27-Feb-2024 Beremagene Geperpavec Topical Drugs 27-Feb-2024 Bio C 1:1 Drugs 26-Nov-2023 Bifidobacterium Animalis And Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Drugs 26-Oct-2023 Breyna Drugs 24-Oct-2023 Bonine Max Drugs 24-Oct-2023 Bimzelx Drugs 19-Oct-2023 Bupropion (systemic) (monograph) Drugs 12-Oct-2023 Bifidobacterium animalis and lactobacillus rhamnosus Drugs 09-Oct-2023 Brotapp pe-dm cough and cold Upper respiratory combinations 26-Sep-2023 Bonine max Anticholinergic antiemetics 26-Sep-2023 Bupivacaine (local) (monograph) Drugs 26-Sep-2023 Belladonna (monograph) Drugs 26-Sep-2023 Bynfezia Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Byetta Prefilled Pen Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bydureon Tray Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bydureon Pen Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bydureon Kit Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bydureon Bcise Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bydramine Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butrans Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butorphanol Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butorphanol Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butoconazole Vaginal Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butenafine Topical Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Butalbital Compound Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Busulfan Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Busulfex Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Busulfan Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buspar Dividose Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Burt's Bees Sensitive Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Burt's Bees Foot Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Burt's Bees Baby Multipurpose Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Burnzone Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bupropion And Naltrexone Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bupropion And Dextromethorphan Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buproban Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buprenorphine Transdermal Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buprenorphine And Naloxone Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buprenex Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bupivacaine Liposome Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bupivacaine And Meloxicam Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bump DHA Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buminate Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bumex Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bumetanide Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bugs Bunny With Iron Chewable Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bugs Bunny With Extra C Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bugs Bunny Complete Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Bufferin Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Buffex Drugs 18-Sep-2023 Latest News Medical News Prostate cancer: Skipping screenings may increase death risk by 45% Mar 28, 2025 Measles: Experts advise on long-term effects, immune amnesia Liver cancer: Particular type of statins linked to reduced risk Heart disease: Colorectal cancer diagnosis before 50 may increase risk Inflammatory bowel disease: Which diets might keep it at bay? Tinnitus: Dietary fiber, dairy could help lower risk Related Drugs Fidanacogene Elaparvovec Cerave Anti-Itch Centrum Adult Crovalimab Cyltezo Prefilled Syringe Zepbound Pen Mylanta One Uretron Ds Medihoney Wound And Burn Dressing Lidotrode