New Drugs, Latest FDA Approval Drugs

Name Drug Class Updated
Akeega Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Visine dry eye relief Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 15-Aug-2023
Virt-phos 250 neutral Minerals and electrolytes 15-Aug-2023
Virasal Topical keratolytics 15-Aug-2023
Vinorelbine Mitotic inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Vincristine liposome Mitotic inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Vincristine Mitotic inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Vinblastine Mitotic inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Viltolarsen Miscellaneous uncategorized agents 15-Aug-2023
Viloxazine Adrenergic uptake inhibitors for ADHD 15-Aug-2023
Vilobelimab Miscellaneous antivirals 15-Aug-2023
Vigabatrin Gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs 15-Aug-2023
Vicks sinex severe with vapocool Nasal antihistamines and decongestants 15-Aug-2023
Vicks sinex severe with aloe Nasal antihistamines and decongestants 15-Aug-2023
Vicks sinex severe Nasal antihistamines and decongestants 15-Aug-2023
Vicks babyrub Topical emollients 15-Aug-2023
Vibegron Urinary antispasmodics 15-Aug-2023
Vestronidase alfa Lysosomal enzymes 15-Aug-2023
Vervain Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Verteporfin Miscellaneous antineoplastics 15-Aug-2023
Veregen Anorectal preparations 15-Aug-2023
Venofer injection Iron products 15-Aug-2023
Venclexta Miscellaneous antineoplastics 15-Aug-2023
Veltin Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Vectical ointment Topical antipsoriatics 15-Aug-2023
Timolol (eent) (monograph) Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Tildrakizumab Interleukin inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Theratears sterilid Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 15-Aug-2023
Theratears liquid gel Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 15-Aug-2023
Theratears extra Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 15-Aug-2023
Theraflu sinus and pain Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Theraflu powerpods daytime severe cold Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Theraflu flu and sore throat (phenylephrine) Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Theraflu daytime severe cold and cough Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Sudogest sinus and allergy Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Sudafed pe children's cold and cough Upper respiratory combinations 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex super scrub Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex sensitive skin Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex maximum strength Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex face wash Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex dual textured Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stri-dex clear gel Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Stool softener + stimulant laxative Laxatives 15-Aug-2023
Soursop Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Sotrovimab Miscellaneous antivirals 15-Aug-2023
Sotorasib Miscellaneous antineoplastics 15-Aug-2023
Sotagliflozin Miscellaneous cardiovascular agents 15-Aug-2023
Sorbitol Laxatives 15-Aug-2023
Sorafenib Multikinase inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Soothe xp preservative free Ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations 15-Aug-2023
Soothe regular strength Antidiarrheals 15-Aug-2023
Soothe chewable Antidiarrheals 15-Aug-2023
Soothe and cool inzo Topical antifungals 15-Aug-2023
Sonidegib Hedgehog pathway inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Soaanz Loop diuretics 15-Aug-2023
Sirolimus, albumin-bound (monograph) Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Sirolimus (systemic) (monograph) Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Sirolimus MTOR inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Silka antifungal Topical antifungals 15-Aug-2023
Selsun blue moisturizing treatment Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Selsun blue medicated treatment Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Selsun blue 3in1 Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Selsun blue 2 in 1 Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Scot-tussin expectorant cough Expectorants 15-Aug-2023
Scopolamine transdermal Anticholinergic antiemetics 15-Aug-2023
Sceletium tortuosum Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Scandonest Local injectable anesthetics 15-Aug-2023
Saw palmetto Herbal products 15-Aug-2023
Satralizumab Interleukin inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Sassafras Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Sarsaparilla Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Sarilumab Antirheumatics 15-Aug-2023
Sargramostim Colony stimulating factors 15-Aug-2023
Sarecycline Tetracyclines 15-Aug-2023
Saquinavir Protease inhibitors 15-Aug-2023
Sapropterin Miscellaneous metabolic agents 15-Aug-2023
Sandalwood oil Drugs 15-Aug-2023
Salvax Topical acne agents 15-Aug-2023
Salsalate Salicylates 15-Aug-2023
Salonpas-hot Miscellaneous topical agents 15-Aug-2023